The love of my life.. <3

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Day 65, May 2011

Day 65, 24th May 2011

Cup.. ✓ Teabag.. ✓ Sugar.. ✓ Milk.. ✓ Water.. ✗ Hmm.. Seems I am missing something.

So today I decided to make a cup of tea, then had the clever idea of something missing for my cup of tea! (: I know it's a bit of a sad imagination I have, but at least it's getting me the photo's! Haha. 

Also, I decided, since I love the cup so much, I took a photo of my cup that I use most of the time, for you all to see! (: 

Dormy Saz


  1. Saz I LOVE your cup! ... now I want a cuppa tea so I'm going to go and get one and I'm even going to use my new favorite cup. I just might borrow your idea for my photo of the day... I'll see first if I have any shots which I took today which sparks some creativity within me, if not you'll get to see my favorite cup! lol Have a wonderful day!

  2. Yay! Inspiration is the best! I'd love to see your favourite cup!
    I got mine from Disneyland paris (:

  3. Looks like someone's lurking in the bottom of your cup !


  4. Oh no! I'm going to have to eat them. ;)



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