The love of my life.. <3

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Sunset Sunday

Here's another sunset I got whilst on the Isle Of Wight. I was quite happy with this shot. (:
If you like sunset shots, go see my friend Scott's blog. (: 

Dormy Saz


  1. I don't usually like wires in photos, but this is an exception. They actually add to it. Beautiful colors and perspective. Thanks for joining in on Sunset Sunday.

  2. Beautiful colors Saz, you've sure come a long way since you first started posting, way to go!

  3. Wait a second, is this post 365? If it is you did it! Congratulations! And seeings you're on a roll now why not go for another year? That's what I did and that was back in Jan of 2009 I started this venture... just to see if I could post a photo a day for a year...guess what, I can! lol

  4. Haha, this isn't my 365 day shot. That's to come with some added ;)
    And thank you both so much!!!!

  5. Haha, this isn't my 365 day shot. That's to come with some added ;)
    And thank you both so much!!!!


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