The love of my life.. <3

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Day 359, March 2012

Day 359, 13th March 2012

Today I was writing in a diary I got. I bought it for memories of times I spend with my boyfriend, so I can look back at it later in life, so I thought I'd get a shot of my writing in it. (: 

Dormy Saz


  1. Saz this is priceless, I hope you print out this blog as well for another keepsake... I'm sure glad I got my last two years done. I'd like to go back and do the first year as well but there's too many shots missing for whatever reason.

  2. I plan on getting prints! Be it the actual blog, or just the photo's. I've found I can print all the photo's at Boots for just £20. Not bad really! Then I can just put them all in a photo album with a little message with each photo. (:

    Probably will end up needing two, haha.

    I'll see how much it is to get the blog printed though! That'd be pretty awesome.


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