The love of my life.. <3

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Day 186, September 2011

Day 186, 22nd September 2011

Today I decided to take a photo with my oh so awesome glasses on. They are such a pain, but I have to wear them whenever I'm driving and such. Haha. And everyone says that they suit me so?

Dormy Saz


  1. I agree with everyone, they do suit you! I can relate to having to wear glasses, I don't half the time and when I put them on to read sometimes they feel odd, after a while I forget I even have them on.

  2. Thank you Darlin! (: Yeah, that's what I'm like too! Only, I don't need them for reading. I need them for longer distance stuff like, watching T.V, driving, and just general walking around (not that I wear them when I'm walking around all the time.. Only when my eyes are being particularly silly.)


Give me your opinion! I always need tips!