The love of my life.. <3

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Day 165, September 2011

Day 165, 1st September 2011

Today I went for a walk to see if I could find a quicker route to work. I found one, but it's only a little bit quicker.. But, quicker is better right? So I took this photo on my way back. This is the back end of my street. (: 

Dormy Saz


  1. Your neighborhood looks like a comfortable place to live. Do you know a lot of your neighbors? It seems that it's a real community with the community spirit. And yes, a bit quicker is better than taking longer! lol Have a wonderful weekend my friend, cheers!

  2. It is quite comfortable to live in. I only know the neighbours directly next to me really. We don't talk that much to the neighbours funnily enough.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


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